Common Structural Issues Observed in Plan Check
Jay Elbettar, P.E., C.B.O., LEED AP, CASp, CSP
This webinar will cover common structural challenges faced during plan review. Issues related to coordination between various design professionals, plan revisions required midway through the approval process that may impact the structural systems, Incomplete design considerations deign consideration and or improper use of building material or components.
The webinar will include discussion on the impact on the structural system when there is a change of use and occupancy and when alterations are proposed to an existing building.
Speaker Bio
Jay Elbettar is a Past President of the International Code Council. He served on the State of California Hospital Safety Board and was the Vice Chair of the Seismic Safety Commission. He is a licensed professional engineer in the states of California, Florida, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Tennessee and Georgia and Holds a bachelor and master’s degree in civil and structural engineering, is a Certified Building Official, Building Inspector, Plans Examiner and a LEED Accredited Professional and hold many other certifications and honors. Jay was the recipient of the 2010 Gerald H. Jones Code Official of the year award from the International Code Council and is a California Building Officials Hall of Fame inductee and a life time honorary member of ICC, CALBO and the Sac valley Chapter
Jay is an ICC instructor and an expert code consultant in the building code, accessibility and sustainability. He was also an Adjunct Faculty in Coastline community college and provided training to Engineers, Plan Reviewers and Inspectors for ICC, CALBO, several ICC chapters and SKGA at the national level. He also provided training the Department of Municipal Affairs, Abu Dhabi and in Saudi Arabia on behalf of the Saudi Council of Engineers and the Saudi Building Code National Committee, GSO and jointly with ICC and Vortex at the international level.
Jay Elbettar is a Past President of the International Code Council. He served on the State of California Hospital Safety Board and was the Vice Chair of the Seismic Safety Commission. He is a licensed professional engineer in the states of California, Florida, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Tennessee and Georgia and Holds a bachelor and master`s degree in civil and structural engineering, is a Certified Building Official, Building Inspector, Plans Examiner and a LEED Accredited Professional and hold many other certifications and honors. Jay was the recipient of the 2010 Gerald H. Jones Code Official of the year award from the International Code Council and is a California Building Officials Hall of Fame inductee and a life time honorary member of ICC, CALBO and the Sac valley Chapter. ay is an ICC instructor and an expert code consultant in the building code, accessibility and sustainability. He was also an Adjunct Faculty in Coastline community college and provided training to Engineers, Plan Reviewers and Inspectors for ICC, CALBO, several ICC chapters and SKGA at the national level. He also provided training the Department of Municipal Affairs, Abu Dhabi and in Saudi Arabia on behalf of the Saudi Council of Engineers and the Saudi Building Code National Committee, GSO and jointly with ICC and Vortex at the international level.