Published jointly by the International Code Council (ICC) and the National Storm Shelter Association (NSSA) and referenced in the newest building safety codes, this standard provides minimum design and construction requirements for storm shelters that provide a safe refuge from storms that produce high winds, hurricanes, and tornadoes. The magnitude of wind speeds associated with these events require building occupants and residents to evacuate the area or seek protection in a shelter designed for resistance to extraordinary loads and flying debris. The newest ICC Codes now require storm shelters in educational occupancies and critical emergency operation centers located in areas prone to extreme tornados. This standard provides design requirements for the main wind resisting structural system and components and cladding of these shelters, and provides basic occupant life safety and health requirements for these shelters including means of egress, lighting, sanitation, ventilation, fire safety, and minimum required floor space for occupants.
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The ICC 500-2014: ICC/NSSA Standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters is referenced in the newest building safety codes and contains many important changes including:
Peer review provisions expanded to include peer review for:
Community Shelters with occupant load greater than 50
Storm shelters in elementary and secondary schools and day care facilities with occupant load greater than 16
Risk Category IV buildings (Essential Facilities)
Required information on construction documents have been expanded to include additional information such as building elevation and minimum sanitation facilities
Impact-protective systems shall be labeled denoting compliance with this standard
Shielding and connection of storm shelters to host buildings addressed
Hurricane wind maps revised based on latest data
Locks and latching section updated to include door self-latching provision and occupant latching signage
Tornado community shelter sanitation/toilet facilities revised/clarified
The newest ICC codes now require storm shelters in educational occupancies and critical emergency operation centers located in areas prone to extreme tornados
Code Year
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