Part 1 - Fundamentals of Retaining Wall Structural Design

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May 14, 2024; 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM Pacific Time
Bruce Erickson, S.E., P.E.

Part 1 will cover structural design fundamentals for a variety of retaining wall types. It will address fill walls, such as cast-in-place concrete cantilevered walls and mechanically stabilized earth walls; and cut walls, such as soldier pile walls and soil nail walls. It will address both IBC and AASHTO design methodologies, and will cover the basics of wall seismic design. It will also present guidelines for selecting the optimal retaining wall type from the available systems.

Speaker Bio

Bruce is a Washington State licensed structural engineer at KPFF Consulting Engineers in Seattle. He has 35 years of experience, with much of it devoted to design of soil retaining structures, including walls, tunnels, excavation shoring and underground transit stations. In the last 10 years he has designed over 10 miles of retaining walls of all types, including concrete cantilevered walls, mechanically stabilized earth walls, cast-in-place concrete gravity walls, gravity block walls, soldier pile walls, soil nail walls, sheet pile walls, secant pile walls and slurry walls. He has a BSCE from Northwestern University, and is a member of the Structural Engineers of Washington, American Society of Civil Engineers, Society of American Military Engineers, and Deep Foundations Institute.

Bruce is a Washington State licensed structural engineer at KPFF Consulting Engineers in Seattle. He has 35 years of experience, with much of it devoted to design of soil retaining structures, including walls, tunnels, excavation shoring and underground transit stations. In the last 10 years he has designed over 10 miles of retaining walls of all types, including concrete cantilevered walls, mechanically stabilized earth walls, cast-in-place concrete gravity walls, gravity block walls, soldier pile walls, soil nail walls, sheet pile walls, secant pile walls and slurry walls. He has a BSCE from Northwestern University, and is a member of the Structural Engineers of Washington, American Society of Civil Engineers, Society of American Military Engineers, and Deep Foundations Institute.

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