Performance Based Wind Design - Introduction to ASCE/SEI Prestandard

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Duration: 2.00
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August 14, 2924; 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific Time
Viral Patel, P.E.

Performance-based design for seismic engineering has been used for buildings in the United States and internationally for many years. Performance-based wind design (PBWD) is a natural extension of the overall PBSD framework.

ASCE/SEI “Prestandard for Performance-Based Wind Design” is published by ASCE/SEI to advance the state-of-art performance-based wind design. PBWD can be used for designing Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) of the building and/or the envelope of building. Three methods are proposed in ASCE/SEI Prestandard for designing MWFRS using performance-based design approach. The presentation focuses on Method 1.

The potential benefits to PBWD include a more efficient and effective structural design by allowing modest levels of nonlinearity.

The learning objectives are:
  1. Participants will learn how to meet (a) Occupant comfort performance objective (b) Operational performance objective and (c) Continuous occupancy/limited interruption performance objective.
  2. Participants will learn how to implement Method 1 to evaluate continuous occupancy/limited interruption performance objective.
  3. Participants will learn a path to implement PBWD on their projects using IBC provision 104.11 and understand requirements for peer review.

Speaker Bio

Viral B. Patel is a Managing Principal and Managing Director of Research and Development group at Walter P Moore. Mr. Patel has 35 years of experience in diversified aspects of structural engineering analysis, design, and management. As a Director of Design, Viral influences Walter P Moore’s practice and projects across an extremely broad range of activities through a team of Design Managers in each of our offices. He helps improve the way that buildings are designed through his involvement as a voting member of ACI 318, 318-W(Chair) and 318-F. Over three decades, Mr. Patel has worked on a variety of projects. Throughout his professional career at Walter P Moore, he has served on complex projects in different capacities including Design Engineer, Project Engineer, Project Manager and Principal-in-Charge.

Viral B. Patel is a Managing Principal and Managing Director of Research and Development group at Walter P Moore. Mr. Patel has 35 years of experience in diversified aspects of structural engineering analysis, design, and management. As a Director of Design, Viral influences Walter P Moore’s practice and projects across an extremely broad range of activities through a team of Design Managers in each of our offices. He helps improve the way that buildings are designed through his involvement as a voting member of ACI 318, 318-W(Chair) and 318-F. Over three decades, Mr. Patel has worked on a variety of projects. Throughout his professional career at Walter P Moore, he has served on complex projects in different capacities including Design Engineer, Project Engineer, Project Manager and Principal-in-Charge.

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